Product/Package menu Group contains
Product category
Product Usage Type
Break Down Type
Product directory
Service Category
Service Directory
Package Category
Package Directory
Room List
Product, service and package category is user-defined grouping to allow easier package formulation and sorting.
All category comes with a color code which is defined as # RRGGBB (Red Green Blue in Hexadecimal) format. #RGB or standard color such as black, red, blue, green, magenta, yellow, cyan and etc are also supported
Breakdown Type is a user define grouping that is used in multiple types of standard reporting and also customized reporting.
Breakdown type is mostly used in analytical reports. This user-defined type can be used to group multiple products, services, and packages across different tables.
Analysis such as best selling breakdown type, group, or outlet breakdown type report can be easily generated.
Skin Type/User Group Type 1: User define grouping
Category: User-define grouping, is also used in Package formulation when purchasing the group of products
Break Down Type: user-defined fields for cross table analysis reports
Part Code: Required and unique data field that identify product
Description: Human readable language that describes the product and will appear in POS screen and printed invoices
Weight: reference field for product weight (numerical format)
Selling price: required field for product selling price, appear in POS and related interface.
Minimum Price: a Minimum price that discount is allowed
Cost: Cost of Goods/product been purchased, average weighted value
Item Type: Salon, consumable, retail and others reference type. Salon items can only be checked out in Salon out an item in inventory. Users have to define correctly to allow item checks out.
Active: Products currently active and sellable in POS module?
Minimum stock: Reference field for minimum stock
Maximum stock: reference field for maximum stock