Cloud Solution
Cloud based Solution will change the way you manage your forever. The decision making information is available to you anytime anywhere. You just need a browser to start working
Package Configurator
Package Configurator allows very dynamic package components such as products, services, and even product voucher, prepaid point and other “custom” object”. Packages can have different prerequisite before it can be purchase. Mix and Match Package with dynamic rules and restriction is also allow. Click here to find out more.
Advance Commission Engine
A complex commission engine that allows multiple commission scheme for service commission. A JavaScript commission Scripting engine allows formula to be defined in any service. Multiple level incentive table can be defined for payment collection incentive. More complex CF claim and floor price ceiling price commission can be customized
Inventory Control
Inventory Control such as minimum and maximum stock level, Purchase Request, Stock Transfer, Stock Receiving, Consignment Delivery, and other inventory reports such as ledger, transfer report and balance report can improve stock management productivity and performance
Dashboard and Business Intelligence
Using Best in class SQL Server and business intelligence technology, business decision making can be further accelerated. The integrated Multi Dimensional Dashboard comes with full responsive capability. It allows strategic key decision maker to deep dive analysis operation
Private Cloud Server
Customer who subscribed more than 5 branches license can subscribe for Private Cloud VPN server that allow more secured data access and system usage!

After Service Rating
To care for your customer, this advance CRM function not just send SMS to notify customer regarding their treatment redemption and treatment balance. The SMS also includes a link for customer to rate their experience. This function allows better understand of customer experience, service quality and make your company engage more with customer.
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Sign Up today to get your business empowered by above features and other countless functions!