Integrated Analytics and Business Intelligence

Advanced Analytics
Using best in class SQL Server and business intelligence technology, business decision making can be further accelerated
Key Elements
Business intelligence comes packed with tons of features and analysis! It can be drill down and drill through with to look at data from multiple dimension and perspective
Deep dive analysis
With integrated business intelligence, any deep dive analysis, reports, dashboard can be easily customized to suit your taste
Strategic Dashboard
Business intelligence builds the foundation of many great MNC and enterprises due to its capability in valuable data visualization and analysis.
Multi Dimensional Dashboard
Microsoft Power BI Dashboard plugin comes with multi dimensional slice and dice capability. It has drill through, drill up and down, highlight and multi component link capability.

Fully Responsive Dashboard
Our dashboard is fully responsive, any click or changes in slider will update all component in the dashboard, this allow more intuitive slice and dice and also much better visualization

Customer Retention Dashboard
Customer retention by 3 months, 6 months and 12 months rolling based. Combine with multiple customer category or segmentation to allow decision maker to diagnose and analyze customer retention rate and carry out strategic decision to improve overall retention rate. The customer retention can be further drill down to branches, contact source and other customer demographic property and any related parameters
Sales Analysis Dashboard
Year to Date, Month to date, Multi outlet, product category, service category, sales contribution %, custom product and service grouping, top grossing, top selling , top profit contribution and many others sales dashboard for sales and operation team to visualize their sales performance.

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